[creature 198]
questscript=KheldenBremen ——>在tcl下相关的文件名
name=Khelden Bremen ——>名字
npctext0_0=Greetings mage . Shall I provide you with further insight into the wolrd of magic ?
attack=1946 2141 ——>攻击速度
bounding_radius=0.347000 ——>攻击距离
combat_reach=7.35 ——>活动半径
damage=5 6 ——>伤害
faction=35 ——>状态:
flags1=08400066 ——>标记
guild=Mage Trainer ——>组织 职称
level=5 5 ——>最小等级与最高等级
maxhealth=132 ——>最大HP
maxmana=105 ——>最大SP
model=5001 ——>模型代码
npcflags=18 ——>定义类型:这里的意思是技能训练师+任务
speed=0.97 ——>速度
train=6116 //Frost Armor 1 ——>技能代码
train=1472 //Arcane Intellect 1
train=1142 //Frostbolt 1
train=5507 //Conjure Water 1
train=1173 //Fireball 2
train=2141 //Fire Blast 1
train=1249 //Conjure Food 1
train=1191 //Frostbolt 2
train=1168 //Polymorph 1
train=5146 //Arcane Missiles 1
train=1194 //Frost Nova 1
train=1174 //Frost Armor 2
train=5565 //Conjure Water 2
type=7 ——>属性
family=7 ——>
equip=0 791 ——>主手装备 装备代码
# created by Slayer
namespace eval TommyJoe {
proc TommyJoe::GossipHello { npc player } {
SendGossipComplete $player
SendSwitchGossip $player $npc 0
proc TommyJoe::GossipSelect { npc player option } {
SendGossipComplete $player
SendSwitchGossip $player $npc 0
proc TommyJoe: ueryQuest { npc player questid } {
# questgiver status query replies:
# QUEST_STATUS_NONE 0 // no mark on the head, chat not available
# QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE 1 // gray (!) mark, chat not available
# QUEST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE 2 // no mark, chat available, req higher level
# QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE 3 // gray (?) mark, chat available
# QUEST_STATUS_AVAILABLE 4 // yellow (!) mark, chat available
proc TommyJoe: uestStatus { npc player } {
set reply 0
set qs106 [GetQuestStatus $player 106] ;# Young Lovers
#定义qs106的值 [获得玩家的flag任务状态 这里为106]
set qs111 [GetQuestStatus $player 111] ;# Speak with Gramma
set level [GetLevel $player]
#定义level的值 [获得玩家的等级数值]
if {(([GetQFlag $player Q106]==0)&&($qs106==3))} {
#检测玩家的任务状态是否=106 同时检测qs106是否==3
set reply 5
if {[GetQFlag $player Q106]==1} {
if {(($qs111==4)&&([GetQFlag $player Q111]==0))} {
if { $level >=5} {set reply 4}
return $reply
proc TommyJoe: uestHello { npc player } {
if {(([GetQFlag $player Q106]==0)&&([GetQuestStatus $player 106]==3))} {
SendGossip $player $npc { quest 106 "Young Lovers"}
#发送player npc 的值{任务 106 名称}
set q111 ""
if {[GetQFlag $player Q106]==1} {
#检测玩家是否获得flag的标记 q106
if {[GetQFlag $player Q111]==0} { set q111 111 }
SendQuestsList $player $npc $q111
proc TommyJoe: uestSelect { npc player questid } {
if { [GetQuestStatus $player $questid] == 3 } {
SendQuestReward $player $npc $questid
} else {
SendQuestDetails $player $npc $questid
proc TommyJoe: uestAccept { npc player questid } {
proc TommyJoe: uestChooseReward { npc player questid choose } {
SetQFlag $player "Q$questid"
[quest 106]
name=Young Lovers ——>名字
desc=Give Maybell’s Love Letter to Tommy Joe Stonefield. ——>标题
details=Oh, I’m cursed! My heart belongs to Tommy Joe Stonefield, but our families are bitter enemies. So I can’t see him,
even though my eyes ache to gaze upon that handsome face!$B$BPlease, take this letter and give it to Tommy Joe. He’s
usually at the river to the west of the Stonefield Farm, which is due west of here. ——>内容
quest_flags=020 ——>任务的flags标记值
levels=1 6 ——>任务等级限制,属于新手任务
reward_xp=65 ——>任务完成时候奖励的XP
next_quest=111 ——>完成后还可以接的任务代码111
src_item=1208 1 ——>完成后奖励的物品
deliver=1208 1 ——>把物品放到你包包里拉
zone=12 ——>地域??
[quest 111]
name=Speak with Gramma
desc=Speak with Gramma Stonefield.
details=Please, $N, talk with my Gramma. If anyone can find a way to bring me together with Maybell, she can.$B$BShe’s
inside our house east of here.
levels=1 6